Wednesday, October 29, 2014


With it came dreams,
dreams of death
with nondescript images
swirled in sensations
of loss and privation.

It had seem a god send
before its arrival --
Her final act of love
for those she held dear.

But with its presence,
loss surfaced
from depths unrealized
in day’s bright light.

I love you, Anna
More than words can say.

I never realized
how dear we were
to you,

Never held you close --

My loss.

Saturday, October 18, 2014


She had played the victim
for so long
It was difficult to drop
the role.

Reaching out, 
making needs known,
came only in tears
of recrimination.

How, how can she
be reached?
How made to see
no blame is needed,

just the words
I need you.